Wednesday, January 28, 2015


  1. Hi I'm Oriol E. Martian go to the planet and destroy it but the bear survive and follow he, Martian arive in his planet and the bird go to his house, the beard tell: why you destroy my planet? and martin answer because i nedd for save my planet. Bear tak his gun and kill he.

  2. The alien will not exterminate the planet because the lovely bear lives there? HAHA good reason. I think that after that the alien and the bear will become more firends and later will be BFF. The alien sure that din't have firends if he agrees to the bears' reason !! :) Hristo

  3. The alien don't exterminate the planed because he loves the big bear and he don't want to hurt him and his family, but the Alien needs to exterminate a planed, so after travelling in the space he arrives to the Earth. He exterminates our planet with his loving bear.
    Ion Martí Merino

  4. Hi I'm Marti b. martian goes to the planet and destroy it and isn' t survive because the explosive is very heavy.

  5. Finally the alien exterminate the earth, but the bear fight with the alien. The alien lost and the bear become the new king of the animals in the world. All the animals respect the bear and they burn the alien in his UFO.
    Aniol C.
